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September 27, 2001 - Thursday

A pretty good day today.

I didn't get a phone call last night, so when the phone rang today I knew it would be from my guy and it was. It was great to hear from him in the middle of the day.

Work was fine again today. All the classes went quite well, and I got many classes planned for tomorrow and even Saturday. I do have a couple more to do though. Sigh. I may have to make the ultimate sacrifice and go in early tomorrow. I have to do some photocopying and preparing of materials.

Sadly in one of my classes a student finished today. After school tonight his classmates and I and some other people from our school went out for a few drinks (or in my case oolong teas) and some food. It was a nice time. I left around 11:30 when everyone else did.

It was raining when I came home so I walked very quickly. I got a little wet, but I did arrive home in time for my phone call. Yay!

I'm now watching tonight's episode of Lost World. It's supremely silly, but I sort of enjoy the show!

Anyway, I've got to run. Talk to you tomorrow.

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