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April 10, 2002 - Wednesday

A warm day, but a chilly night.

I got up this morning and did some computer stuff then I biked to work. I left a few minutes early today so I was there in plenty of time. That was nice for a change! I had forgotten that the manager was away today so I had to open up the school.

Classes went well today, except my last class didn't happen. No-one showed up. Sigh. I was disappointed. The good thing though was that I could leave almost at 9 pm.

I cycled home. I went a new route but took the wrong road. Luckily I ended up a few metres from the right road so that was okay. I stopped near Tsuruoka Park for a light and then I didn't cross the road when the lights changed because I saw a police car coming with it's lights flashing. However, the darn car wasn't in a hurry. I missed my light! But, there was a compensating thing, a woman from the Bridal Hall walked by and we chatted in a mixture of English and Japanese. That was nice.

I was almost at the 7-11 near my house when I saw a lunatic man in front of me waving frantically. It was Fumihiko! He had driven past me and stopped for me. I went into 7-11 and bought some tea...a new one that's a mix of Grapefruit Juice, Jasmine Tea and tea. It sounds terrible, but it's actually quite nice.

Supper was nice tonight too. Fish again, but fish with bigger bones, eggplant and spinach. I hope it's healthy! It sounds healthy!

I have to also say a big thank you to Hanna, one of my students. She noticed that I hadn't locked my bike, and even more stupidly, had left the key in my bike. Anyone could have taken it! Thank you Hanna....and thank you to Naomi who bought me a keychain in Scotland with my name on it!!!

That's it! Well, almost. Tonight at the 7-11 they had Pringles chips in a bunch of new flavours, including......drum roll please....


Oh my gosh. I hope they taste like real salt & vinegar chips. I hope.

Night night!

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