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August 11, 2002 - Sunday

Can anyone tell me what a monsoon is? I think we had one today.

Today we slept way way in as we didn't go to bed until very late. When we finally got up we went out for breakfast and were yelled at by Fumihiko's Mum. She didn't want us to go out to eat. We ended up staying out the rest of the day.

Driving places was terrible as the rain was very heavy and the roads were covered in water. I was quite nervous, but as usual Fumihiko did very well. We ate at Yoshinoya and then went to an electronic store. We bought Apollo 13 and I bought a PlayStation game.

Then, we went past the place where the fireworks were going to be and then went to the Grand Elsun for coffee and cake. After that, we went to my apartment and watched the Japanese DVD we bought a couple of weeks ago, Spirited Away. It's an interesting film visually it's stunning, but I didn't get the story as much as I have with his other films. I was disappointed, although Fumihiko loved it.

Then, we had to decide if we would go and see the fireworks or not. As we were deciding, more torrential rain fell and that decided it for me. I had no wish to get sick or wet for an hour. We decided to go to a restaurant and eat dinner. Well, we were lucky, we got a window seat and we could actually see some of the fireworks. I was so happy. It wasn't like being there with the music and the crowds, but it was warm and dry.

After we ate we drove home, stopping once to see more fireworks. They were still going when we got home so we watched a few more. I think I discovered the secret to fireworks. They are so beautiful, but so fleeting that it is impossible to describe them. You have to see them or you can't understand how breathtaking they can be. At least that's what I think! This year they were gorgeous. Many different colours and shapes, take my word, they were great!

And that's about it. We're going to try to have an early night as Fumihiko has work tomorrow. Night night!

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