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August 10, 2002 - Saturday

Cloudy, hot and muggy. And Hot. Did I mention hot?

Today was a good day. Classes were fine, for the ones that showed up, and when a class didn't show up I got a lot of work done. I've been working on a card game for vocabulary when I had a spare hour or two and today I finally finished the card set. It was a lot of work, but hopefully I can play the game more than once with the students.
After work, I took my fan to the apartment. I might spend some time there next week so I don't want to suffer too much. Then, Fumihiko and I went out for supper. We went to M's Dining again, but it was nice. I had chicken and he had steak. It was okay.

Then, we went to karaoke. We went to the place that has some country songs in the listings so today I did Mac Davis, Mary Chapin Carpenter and finished up with Garth Brooks. It was a hoot. The hardest songs I tried today were Voices Carry (Til Tuesday) and All I Need (Jack Wagner). The first one was especially hard, the timing of the vocals was difficult. I also did Gino Vannelli's I Just Wanna Stop. That was fun! We only went for an hour and I'm sure that I sang more than my fair share, but Fumihiko didn't seem to mind.

Then we came home and listened to one of my many Dean Martin cd's and snuggled. Dean is so romantic. I think I have Fumihiko convinced of the fact now. He really liked the cd.

And that's about it. Nice ending to the day. Tomorrow, the first time in 3 years. Wow! Night night.

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