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August 19, 2002 - Monday

Muggy, and now torrential rain.

I had a great day today.

We slept in very late, and in fact I even stayed longer than Fumihiko did. Finally around 12 we went downstairs and had lunch. After lunch we went fishing to Kamo harbour. We didn't have a lot of luck, but a guy who was fishing gave us his fish, so we ended up with more than we caught. It was fun. I didn't do very well this time, but I enjoyed it anyway. I kept catching blowfish, which is not what I wanted to do!

We came home and Fumihiko cleaned the fish and prepared them for cooking. I did offer to help, but he refused. I went upstairs and wrote some email.

After supper we went out to karaoke. It was a lot of fun. I sang a lot of silly songs and tried some difficult songs that I don't usually try with lots of other people around.

The rain tonight was a little scary. It's a bit like a typhoon is coming. There's one in South Japan, but not up here, I hope. Hard to tell.

So, today it was a really relaxing day. I'm glad. I'm back to work tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to it!

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