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August 29, 2002 - Thursday

Hot and sunny again.

Today was another just too hot day. It was good though. I finished making the necklace from yesterday and started one more. I know, I'm crazy, but they are darn cute. And I also watched Final Fantasy, which a friend of mine loaned me a really long time ago!

At work I wasn't very busy, which after yesterday, was a good thing! Classes seemed to go well, and I enjoyed myself.

When I went to Jusco to buy lunch today, I didn't recognize the store. They were moving things around, and it was really hard to find anything. Sigh!

After work tonight I called up my husband and invited him to go for a cold drink. We went to Mr. Donuts and it was really nice. I like just going out together for casual things.

And that's about it. Nothing too special. We just had supper and then spent a bit of time together. I don't know if I'll update tomorrow night as we might stay at the apartment.

Anyway, that's it for me. Take care...night night!

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