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January 4, 2002 - Friday

An out of sorts day.

I woke up early this morning, so that I could get a ride to my apartment. I went there and took a nap for an hour or two. Then I took a bath and read my book. Today I read Merrick, one of Anne Rice's novels. I rather enjoyed it.

I also watched a bit of TV and drank some coffee and made some instant soup. That was really nice. It was cream of mushroom with pasta. Yum.

Around 3 o'clock I made my way to the school, detouring to the bank on the way. Of course, the bank was closed so I couldn't pay the bill that I wanted to.

At my school I ate my late brunch and read the latest newspaper. I feel very out of touch these days.

I went to the mall on the free bus but I was a tad nervous because the driver was talking to some of the passengers on the bus about where he was going. I couldn't understand, but thought I'd just hope for the best! Anyway, I did get to the mall and I was walking in to meet Fumihiko when he walked out! That was nice. We were deciding what to get as a wedding present, but couldn't decide on anything. Finally we decided to be Japanese about the whole thing!

I bought myself a handbag for the wedding. I'm not sure if it'll really match my dress, but it's darn cute, so I think its okay. I took an age to make up my mind, but Fumihiko was very understanding about the whole thing.

We ate at a fast food restaurant which was only so-so and then went to a movie. We went to see Bandits with Bruce Willis, Cate Blanchett, and Billy Bob Thornton. It was pretty funny, for a film about bank robbers.

Then we drove home. In a few minutes I should pack my suitcase and make sure that I have everything for the trip tomorrow. That's all I need, to forget my dress or my shoes! Something that I can't easily replace.

Just so that YOU don't worry, I'll be back on Monday. Don't worry about me! I'll bring you a full report from our Otaru trip!


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