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January 23, 2002 - Wednesday

A cold, rainy, snowy day.

This morning at the apartment, trouble. My heater stopped working. It's been acting strangely for a while and today it finally said, "No more." So, I wrapped myself up in a blanket and drank some hot coffee and soup while I watched Voyager.

My back has been hurting since yesterday and today it was worse. Despite me taking some Tylenol, it still hurts. Of course, the medicine makes me feel better, but when it wears off, look out. Fumihiko has made arrangements to take me to a doctor tomorrow. I'm glad, because I can't really explain what the heck is wrong with me in Japanese. The bad thing is we have to go early in the morning, but earlier he said that he would take me on Monday morning and I didn't think I could last that long!

Work was fine today, despite being in pain. Classes all went quite well. In fact, one of them was the best that it's ever been! I also had new students in 2 classes so that was fun and exciting.

After work, Fumihiko showed up quite early to bring me home. I thought we'd be going to the apartment, but his schedule changed, so we came home instead. His mum had made me a lovely supper which included an omelet. It's very difficult to eat an omelet with filling using chopsticks. I didn't manage. I got the filling everywhere! It was good though.

I may be back tomorrow, or more likely, not. If not, then I'll chat to you on January 25. Night-night.

PS Sometime today, this site had its 4000th visitor. Ya hoo! I hope they signed the guestbook!

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