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July 29, 2002 - Monday

Sunny but not stiflingly hot.

A bit of an up and down day. This morning our lovely moronic neighbour decided to wake us up at 6:00 am ish so that he could do something in his rice field. Then I went to the apartment with Fumihiko. He wasn't feeling too good as his back was bothering him. He decided to take off some time and go to the doctor. When he dropped me off, I told him if he had some time after the doctor's, he should come by and see me. Meanwhile, I was busy.

I did about 4 loads of laundry, wrote a ton of email (I took my computer with me this morning) and watched the rest of the Queen's Jubilee Concert, which was great. I also cooked lunch, so-so, and watched all but 15 minutes of The Scarlet Pimpernel. I'd never have cast Richard E. Grant as the Pimpernel personally, but he was excellent! I always forget what a great and versatile actor he is.

Around 3:30 I left to catch the bus and as I was walking down the road I noticed that something was wrong with my shoe. The sole in one of my great sandals was bunching up. I pulled it down, but it just bunched up again. I was running late for the bus so I just had to put my head down and walk. When I got to the mall I bought myself a pair of new sandals. I hope that they are comfortable.

Fumihiko met me just after 5 and we had coffee. Then we decided to go and see Star Wars but I wanted to put my back pack in the car. That's when it happened. A guy came up to me and asked, "Are you American?"There is nothing this Canadian hates more than to be called an American. Then when I said "No," he asked me where I was from. I asked him "Why?" but he didn't understand the question. He kept asking where I was from and I kept asking why he wanted to know that. Then I asked him if he was from Immigration! He didn't understand. I told him that I didn't want to talk to him and would he please go away. I've had a run in with this man before and obviously he didn't remember me. I was with my husband, on my day off, minding my own business and some jerk thinks that it is okay to start talking to me. Some people act like just because I'm a foreigner it's okay to talk to me at anytime and not respect my right to privacy or a day off. It drives me crazy.

I couldn't go to the movie after that so Fumihiko and I went to a restaurant and then back to my apartment to watch The Lost Boys. I enjoyed it, but he didn't.

We came home and I just finished watching ER about Mark and Elizabeth's wedding. It was great

Now, I'm planning to go to bed...soon! Night night!

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