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July 28, 2002 - Sunday

A beautiful sunny day, not too hot.

We stayed up late last night and watched all of Macbeth. I think Fumihiko enjoyed it. It was his first experience with Shakespeare. Hurray!

This morning we didn't get up until almost 11. I had to make garlic toast for the party, but Fumihiko had the idea to make some for us first. I did and it was yummy. I made it really garlicky because that's the way I like it!

The party was nice. We didn't have anything to light fires with so I used newspaper and got mine started with a lot of interference from the men. Why on earth did they think they could just come in and start my fire that I built carefully with paper and charcoal? I ask you.

The food was good and we had lots of people there. It was rather nice. I think it went on for a bit too long, but that's just my thinking.

After the barbecue we went to karaoke. That was fun too. I haven't been in a while and I tried to sing songs that I haven't sung in a long time. That worked out quite well.

After karaoke Fumihiko and I went out for supper to a restaurant that we thought would be good, but wasn't. My steak had a sauce that was really salty and not very good. The steak was nice, but the sauce wasn't.

We came home and sat with Fumihiko's Mum for a while. I think that she was a bit lonely today. Then we started watching Face/Off and in fact are still watching it! It's pretty silly, but a good action movie.

And that's about it for today. I had a pretty good day really.

Night night!

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