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July 31, 2002 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny, but there may be rain tomorrow!

This morning Fumihiko got up early and went to work while I played the lady of luxury and went back to sleep. I finally got up around 9:45, checked my email, then got ready for work. It was nice to have such a relaxing morning.

I biked to work, and got there oodles early. I wanted to read the paper and I knew that I'd be a bit busy today so I went in. It was nice. I didn't have to hurry at all.

Classes were quite good today, at least I think so! The little kid didn't want to leave today, and that's a good thing. It really is.

After work tonight I did some of my paperwork and then biked home. It was nice, if a bit hot. I hate hot weather, did I ever mention that?

Anyway, I'm home, watching Charmed. Life is good. Night night!

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