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March 3, 2002 - Sunday

Cold and rainy and worst of all, snowy.

Today was quite a busy day. I stayed up late working on my homepage and reading email, so this morning I was tired. I stayed in bed until close to 10 o'clock.

Earlier in the week I had asked Fumihiko if he would take me to a temple or shrine. Today, he tried to take me to Mount Kinbo's shrine. It is at the top of a mountain, and the road up there was covered in snow. At one point we hit a patch of ice and even after shifting gears, there was no way we could get up the hill. In fact, the road was so narrow that he had to back down the hill until he could find a place where he could turn around. We ended up going to a shrine quite near our house...and it was quite nice.

After that we went out to buy shoes. I desperately needed to buy shoes. Unfortunately it's nearly impossible for me to find new shoes in Japan. That was the case today too. We went to three places but none of them had ladies shoes that would fit. That meant I was stuck with men's shoes. I tried some on and found 2 pairs that fit, so I bought them. I laughed at one pair when I saw it on the shelf, it was made in Japan. However, when I slipped it on my foot it felt good right away. I thought that was a good sign. Fumihiko got himself a pair of shoes too, so we will both be well shod for a while.

I was thirsty by this time, so we went to Mr. Donuts and had a light lunch. We had enough stuff that we got 9 points for the Mr. Donuts giveaway. We only needed one more point. The store was really crowded or we would have bought something there.

We drove to Mikawa Jusco and checked out the movie listings. I found out that a movie I wanted to see was in the mall, but it wasn't the one we planned to see today. Lord of the Rings is the film we had planned to see. It was playing in 20 minutes in English! We went to see it. I really enjoyed it, I didn't think I would, but the British actors were wonderful, as always!

We then went to Mr Donuts in the mall, and got our one point. Our free prize? A carry bag. It looks like it'll be a good one.

I'm now writing this while my dear husband is watching some kind of fighting on the TV. It's pretty awful and I don't really like it very much!

And that's it. My day. Much better than yesterday??? Night night.

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