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March 21, 2002 - Thursday

Windy, rainy but not too cold.

I had a good day today. I slept in quite late and then did some computer work, even updating my flick picks page.

In the afternoon, Fumihiko got his hair cut. This is a bad thing because then he looks like Frankenstein's monster...all flat head. But, he likes it so I guess I can learn to live with it.

We went to the temple today too. I never know exactly what I'm supposed to do there. I didn't know Fumihiko's Dad, and I'm not a Buddhist so I feel a bit strange praying and giving money. Oh well.

After that we went to a grocery store where I finally found decaffeinated instant coffee. I was very happy as I love coffee, but can't drink it very often. I bought some.

Then we dropped Fumihiko's Mum off at home and went to a restaurant out in the boonies. It's run by an ex coworker of Fumihiko's. It was quite nice.

Then we went to the apartment to watch the White Day dvd's that we bought each other. My Friend Totoro was first and then we watched The Shawshank Redemption. I liked Totoro a lot, but I love Shawshank. I couldn't believe it. My husband talked a lot during the movie and I had to keep shushing him! But in the end, he loved Shawshank too. I was really glad as I think it's an all or nothing sort of movie.

When we finished the videos we went out for supper and I suggested a restaurant that we tried to go to before, but couldn't go to. Moku Moku. It was nice. We talked about the movies and ate, and enjoyed each other's company. A nice way to end the evening. As we left the restaurant, I noticed that there was a Totoro clock on the wall. If I hadn't seen the movie tonight I'd never have noticed it. Funny that.

We got home and I wrote this. I'll post this and take my shower soon. Night night. Tomorrow, back to work. Argh!

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