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March 23, 2002 - Saturday

A bit rainy and some snow too with more forecast for tomorrow.

Today was an okay day. I had some of my lessons but one of my 2 hour group classes didn't show up. That was okay as one of the students phoned. I used the time to make some props for the children's group that will start next week.

As promised I went out for lunch today and the food was fine. The service in the restaurant was terrible. After I got a seat...not by the window because the staff hadn't cleaned the tables yet, it took ages to order. The waitresses kept disappearing somewhere.

After work I finished up and came home with Fumihiko. I didn't really want to go home and he fed me a line about going out after supper. Then he put the car in the garage and drank a bottle of beer. So I knew that he didn't mean it. We had words, so to speak. We got over it quickly, but I told him that I don't want to go straight home next week.

Anyway, I'm watching Roswell right now, so I'm a bit distracted. I gotta go. Later...

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