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March 24, 2002 - Sunday

A bit cold again, with a bit of snow and rain to boot.

I had a great day! I stayed in bed quite late this morning and when I got up we had breakfast. It was quite good.

Then Fumihiko and I went out. First we went to the shrine on Mount Kinbo. The road was still very snowy and a little slippery but this time we were able to get up the mountain without any major trouble. It was very beautiful up there, but a bit scary. There was a sign saying to be on the watch for bears.

After Mount Kinbo we drove to Yutagawa to look at the ume blossoms. There were a few, but they weren't out in force yet. Maybe next weekend? We spent a few minutes deciding what to do and then we drove to Atsumi Onsen. We were going to have ramen. On the way to the ramen shop we passed a soba restaurant and Fumihiko said that he'd rather go there instead. So we did. We had a lot of soba. I had tempura soba and Fumihiko had cold soba. It was quite nice.

We drove back to Tsuruoka via the coast. It was beautiful today. The sea was a light green colour and there were big waves. It was fun to watch them crash against the tetrapods.

In Tsuruoka Fumihiko remembered that he had to buy some car wax so we stopped at a shop. He couldn't find any that he liked. I suggested that we buy some candles and melt them but he didn't like that idea. He did laugh when I suggested coating his car with my Body Shop lip balm though. I think there's wax in it!

I asked if we could go to Super Denkodo because I wanted to buy a second hand that what it's called? for our Playstation 2. We have some games that are more fun if you can play against another person. I got it, and another memory card, and another dvd. This one was my choice though...The Truth About Cats and Dogs. I really like that movie.

Then we went back to my apartment and played the video games for a while. I kicked Fumihiko's butt at The Bouncer, but he beat me at a computerized game of Othello. Many times. Poor me. It was a lot of fun playing against each other though.

Then we came home, ate supper and watched Die Hard. Unbelievably, Fumihiko had never seen it before. It's on my list of top ten movies, so I watched along in glee. I loved Bruce Willis back then.

Now, I'm writing this and then I'll take a shower and go to bed. I'm not sure exactly what my plans for tomorrow are, it depends on the weather. You'll have to find out tomorrow night. Night night!

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