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May 10, 2002 - Friday

A bit rainy, not very cold or too hot.

I had a pretty good day today. I went to the apartment this morning to shower and to do some laundry. Along the way I played a couple of games of The Bouncer too.

Work was fine. My classes all went really well, even the children's one. He didn't want to come to class today. He clung to his mother and really didn't want to start. But, once he came in the class and we started playing ball toss, he was fine.

I went out for lunch and kept reading my book. I still like it. I'm surprised!

After work, Fumihiko came and picked me up and we drove home. We ate supper and did dishes and then I came upstairs to watch ER and write this.

That's it for tonight. Bye!

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