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May 9, 2002 - Thursday

Warm and sunny, windy.

I did a bit of a power walk this morning, but I couldn't get into it, and my foot was hurting a lot so I quit and went home after only one time around the park. Still, I'm glad I made the effort.

On my way to work when I was on my bike, I was hit by not one, not two, but three bugs. Yuck. The first two came very close to my eye and the second one hit me with a really loud "whack". The third one wasn't so bad, it hit me on my chin. Maybe I should start wearing sunglasses?

Work was okay today. I had one of my child lessons and I was amazed by his confidence. I think he understands a lot more than he lets on. He did quite well and was only a little naughty, so not too bad.

At lunch I read more of The Search, the Iris Johanson novel I wrote about before. It still seems quite good. She often starts well though, then she doesn't follow through. Her female character is a dog handler with the ATF in the states. She has a psychic connection with her dog, and they also do rescue work. It's interesting, so far.

After work I had to stay late to talk to our head office and then do my paperwork. Then I biked home and made most of the lights. Yay.

That's it for today. Another boring one! Ciao....

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