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May 18, 2002 - Saturday

Rainy day.

Okay, this will be short, because I have a temperature of 37.6 Celsius, which Fumihiko tells me is quite high. I feel awful, about 2 hours ago I started feeling headachy and a little dizzy and queasy combined.

Today was, until 2 hours ago, good. I didn't have a busy day at work, but I did have a productive one. I got lots of paperwork done, which is really good.

I met another Canadian tonight. When I came out of my last class there was a guy in the lobby talking to the manager. His name is Seth and he's from Nova Scotia. It was great talking to another Canuck!

And really that's all there was to my day today. I have a Teacher's meeting in Niigata tomorrow so I have to catch the 8:30-something train. Argh!

Night night...please hope I feel better tomorrow, or I won't go! do you know that my spell check is from the US? It says "Canuck" is a mistake! Hah!

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