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May 17, 2002 - Friday

Cloudy, then rainy.

To quote Britney Spears, "Oops, I did it Again". I didn't update last night for reasons that are entirely personal. Don't worry about it!

I wasn't too busy teaching today, but I did do a lot of counselling. It gets tiring after a while, but I enjoy talking privately with students. It's a good thing for me.

My 4 year old student was mostly good today, except he kept checking to see if his Mum was still there...she was. It was a bit distracting.

Oh, wonderful news, yesterday my bathrobe arrived. It's wonderful. It's huge, the way that bathrobes should be, and comfy and warm. I love it! Yay Vanessa! Thank you!

I went out for lunch today. I was going to go to Marica, but they were renovating very loudly there, so I didn't think I'd enjoy my lunch. I went over to Jusco again after that. I read and occasionally looked out the window.

And that's it. A pretty boring day really.

Night night!

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