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November 10, 2002 - Sunday

Clear but a bit crisp, then a bit of rain.

Well, I had a nice day today. This morning I slept in very very late. It was wonderful. The reason? I stayed up until 3:30 last night working on my computer, but I actually got it to work. Hurray! Finally. However, I'm still writing my homepage on my old computer until I figure out how to do it on the new one!

When I got up, I found Fumihiko was taking down screen windows and washing them. I helped a little by bringing him more screens from our room. I don't think we ever did that on our farm, which must be why they didn't last very long!

After we finished we took off and went for lunch. After lunch I wanted to buy my bus ticket for tomorrow. I decided to go to Sendai on Monday and do some shopping. I hope the stores are open! When we were in the bus center Fumihiko noticed his aunt sitting there, so he offered to drive her back to her house. What a sweetie I married!

We drove her home and she seemed like a nice woman.

After that, we went to Mikawa and played some coin games for a while. I didn't do very well, but neither did Fumihiko today. Poor thing! We had coffee or in my case herb tea in Seattle's Best Coffee and then went to see The Ring. It was based on a Japanese horror film. I liked it and was quite freaked out by it. Then again, I don't like horror movies very much.

We swung by M's Dining to have our dinner and then came home. I'm writing my entry and soon I'll go to bed. I have a long bus trip tomorrow. Oh well. I'll be able to buy someone a present without them seeing what it is! I hope anyway!

Night night. Catch you tomorrow if I'm not too tired.

Oh, one last message before I go, I wore my jeans today. They had been too tight for a long time so I didn't wear them, but today, I wore them everywhere. I felt great in them too! Yay!

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