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November 10, 2001 - Saturday

This was a good day, if a bit long.

In the morning Fumihiko drove me to work. I had asked him if we could go out for supper because these days I feel a bit like I only go two places, work and home. Even though my co-workers have asked me to go out with them after work, knowing that two people and a noisy dog are waiting for me make me go home.

Work was okay. One class cancelled, but I did have another private so it wasn't a lazy day.

I did a lot of paperwork again. Trying to get caught up is a bit of a nightmare. I even had to consult my head office about some of it.

After work, I was finished before Fumihiko got there and when he arrived he helped me take down the rest of my Halloween decorations. That was nice of him.

Then we debated where to go for supper. Finally we decided to go to a Yakiniku shop. Yes, I know, Mad Cow Disease and all that, but I like beef. I'm from Alberta damn it. ( Okay, so is kd lang, but it's a free country)

It was great. We ate too much of course and then we went to the convenience store and we bought a few things for my apartment. We drove there, and went in.

We watched Roswell and Dharma and Greg and that's about it for our day.


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