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October 4, 2002 - Friday

Mostly nice day, with a wild hailstorm in the afternoon!

Today passed pretty much as all the other days have lately. I cooked breakfast, went to work, worked and came home. Well, we had to go out for dinner because Fumihiko's Mum refused to cook. That was fine by me actually. I like yakiniku very much!

After dinner we went to the grocery store to buy stuff for the party on Sunday. I can't eat most of the food that will be there, so I decided that I'd better eat first. It looks like it'll be cheese omelets with bacon again. Yum.

Really, not much to report today, except my Christmas vacation was approved. That means that Fumihiko and I can probably go to Canada, if all things are okay with his office. Hurray, hurray, hurray! I'm happy! I haven't had a Canadian Christmas in years and I miss it.

Sorry to say, that's all there is for you today. Night night!

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