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October 5, 2002 - Saturday

Sunny and nice today.

If I seem distracted it's because The Matrix is on TV and I'm torn between watching Keanu baby save the world as we don't know it, and writing this for you.

Today was a good, if busy day. I had 6 classes and I think they all went well, surprisingly well, actually!

This morning I slept in til around 10 and then we got up and went for breakfast. We went to a gyudon shop. It was quite nice.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Benkei. We haven't been there in ages and we didn't drink or anything, we just ate some great food. It was nice. I stayed on my diet, I think and ate a lot of great stuff.

And that's my day. It was pretty good. Tomorrow is the imoni party, hopefully the weather will hold up.

Later, eh!

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