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October 17, 2002 - Thursday

Sunny and clear today.

I had a pretty good day today. I had a nap at the apartment and when it was over, I felt much better. I also cooked some chicken for my lunch and I experimented. I covered it with almonds since I couldn't use flour. It was nice!

Work was fine, moderately busy, same as usual. I had time to prepare for my first two classes tomorrow, which was a good thing. I also talked to one of my students for the first time in a few weeks.

After work I finished up quickly and was the first person to leave. That was unusual. Then, Fumihiko and I went out for supper. We went to his friend's sushi shop. I had sashimi and Fumihiko had sushi. It was really nice.

Then we came home, early for a change and hopefully we'll get to sleep early too.

That's it. Kind of a nothing day. Not too exciting, not too boring! Night night.

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