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October 24, 2002 - Thursday

Mostly clear and cold with a little rain.

There are some days when you know you should have stayed in bed. This was one of them.

It started well and I even had a good day until after 9:00pm when my manager started the whole thing by telling me that a student wanted to reschedule his class. That causes me all sorts of problems. But I have to do it because after all this is Japan.

Then when I come home I ate supper and then tried again to hook up my new computer to the internet. I can connect, but that's all I can do. I can't download mail, I can't surf the web. Last night I got very angry at my husband because he wasn't helping me in any way....much of the information was in Japanese and I wanted him to help translate it. So, stupid me thought that it was obvious that I wanted him to help me tonight too. Well, first he took his bath and then he came back to the room and fell asleep. He didn't even bother to ask if I need help.

So, don't ask me about my new computer yet. It isn't working and I think I'll put my fist through it before long.

I don't usually get this angry on my homepage, although I often do in real life. There are some days when it's better to leave me alone. This is one of them.

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