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October 28, 2002 - Monday

Rainy and miserable all day.

This morning, Fumihiko didn't have to work, so we slept in. It was lovely! Then we got up and went to Marica to have breakfast. Fumihiko wanted ramen which I can't eat, so we needed a restaurant that we both could find something good at.

I went to the apartment and watched the weekend's TV. I'm really getting into The West's very intelligent. I'm afraid I can't say the same for Ally McBeal. It's getting worse. I understand why it was cancelled. There are too many characters and the good ones aren't being used.

Fumihiko picked me up after work and getting his hair cut. It's micro short at the moment. I don't like it that short, but he does, so it's okay.

We went for supper and then drove out to Mikawa again. Yesterday we were goofing around in the Jusco amusement center and Fumihiko won about 700 medals for the games! We ended up using them all today. It was a little sad, but also fun.

Then I bought the DVD of Beauty and the Beast and treated us to some Seattle's Best Coffee. I had herb tea, by the way!

We made it home before a nasty hail storm and then came upstairs. I unpacked laundry and tried on a shirt I bought years ago, with an eye to wearing it tomorrow. I can if I want to! Yahoo.

And that's it. Unfortunately, back to work tomorrow. Sigh.

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