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October 26, 2002 - Saturday

Clear then very rainy.

I did try to write on Friday night. I wrote a whole entry but somehow in all of the stuff I have to do to save it on my computer, I lost it! Argh! That's so annoying. I'm not rewriting it!

So, today,I was moderately busy. I had five classes plus a level check. I was supposed to have two level checks, but one student didn't come. Sigh.

Classes went well and we had some good discussions. I also got 3 classes for Tuesday planned so that was good.

After work we went for yakiniku. It was really good, and we all ate a lot. Yum. Then, Aki had to leave and I invited Hitomi and Naomi to come to karaoke with us. We went to Monet again and I sang way too much, but it was fun! I was a country girl.

We came home and that was that! Night night.

I may not update on Sunday, I'm not sure of our plans.

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