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September 1, 2002 - Sunday

Hot and sunny again.

I forgot to tell you that on Saturday morning I woke up with a strange dream. I dreamt that Kevin Sorbo of Hercules/Andromeda was my University Professor and was asking me some highly personal questions about a story that I had written. It was quite an interesting dream.

Today, I didn't have any such dreams, although I did get to sleep in very very late. It was quite wonderful. I've found the secret to getting longer sleep these days. I wear an eye mask since we don't have curtains on our windows. It really makes a difference to my sleep.

When we left the house we went to the Daiichi Hotel and had their lunch buffet. It was pretty nice. Then we headed over to the mall. The movie that we thought about seeing had just started so we bought tickets for the next show and then went to the amusement center. We spent a lot of time there, but it was quite a bit of fun!

We went and had dinner at a Yakiniku restaurant. It was great except for the part where Fumihiko pulled out his wallet to pay and discovered that he was out of money! One guess who paid, and no prizes if you get it right!

The movie, Biohazard, wasn't great. It was the movie of a video game. It was kind of disgusting actually. Lots of zombies and violence. I did enjoy part of it though. It was nice to see a woman kick some serious butt!

Then, we came home and watched the end of a Johnny Depp movie, The Astronaut's Wife. It wasn't as violent as the movie we just saw, but it was a bit dumb.

And that's my day! It was pretty good actually. Surprisingly! Night night.

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