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January 5, 2003 - Sunday

January 5, 2003 - Sunday

Well, jetlag is starting to really hit me, but I thought I'd let you know that we made it back safely, thanks to the great pilot on our airplane. They almost didn't land at Shonai Airport as the weather was terrible, but we made it. Thank goodness!

Gombei was happy to see us and I think Fumihiko's Mum was too, although she started yelling at Fumihiko almost immediately! We had a lot of mail and lots of New Year Cards too. That was nice to come home to.

What wasn't so nice to come home to was the cold weather and cold bedroom that we found waiting for us. It was 0 degrees Celsius in our bedroom when Fumihiko turned on the heater. It was cold. My feet still feel like popsicles.

I had a great day with my husband, but it's late and I'm really tired, so it'll have to wait for another day. Sorry about that!

Night night, and happy New Year!

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