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January 1, 2003 - Wednesday

Today was a nice warm day in Edmonton.It was also the first day of the new year. I had a great time. In the morning I slept in for the first time in 2 weeks! I didn't wake up early. I guess it might be because I had a small drink last night. It really was quite small! However, Fumihiko said that I kept talking about being hot all night and I kicked him too! Oops!

I helped with breakfast a bit and then I got dressed. I went out with Joe to pick up Dorothy, who is the cousin of my father. She's one of my oldest relatives and is quite a cool lady. It was nice driving around in Edmonton, especially in places that I didn't get to yet!

We picked her up and drove back to Beaumont. In Beaumont we all helped Van prepare for the big lunch. She had invited our brother Fred and his family, and two friends of theirs to stay for lunch. Lunch was a bit late, around 3pm I think. Then Fumihiko realized that he hadn't prepared the soba for everyone yet, so he made some, with my help/interference! It was well received, even though I couldn't eat it.

After dinner we ate dessert or nothing (me) and drank tea and coffee and chatted. It was nice actually. After a while, Fred and his family went home and Joe and I drove Dorothy home again. Then we visited his office and bought gas. At the gas station I bought Fumihiko a present...some Ichiban noodles! Aren't I nice?

At Van's again we watched part of Ice Age and I came down and used the computer to write this. That's it for me for today. I'll probably be back to regular updates on January 5th. We leave Canada on Friday. Argh! I'm not ready!

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