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January 7, 2003 - Tuesday

January 7, 2003 - Tuesday

A cold and snowy day.

I didn't sleep all that well last night. I went to sleep quite early, but woke up around 3:30 am. I heard a cat crying and I worried about the poor thing all night. I fell asleep again, but just didn't get very soundly to sleep.

I had to go to work today, so before work I watched a bit of Japanese TV, and read a magazine a friend had sent me. I also made my breakfast and my lunch. Hurray for me!

Walking to work was a little scary because I had to walk on ice. However, I made it unscathed. Work was fine. I wore one of my new outfits which I realized has a short skirt. It's very nice and it's nice to wear clothes that fit again, but a short skirt on a really cold day isn't the smartest thing to wear.

I had two classes cancel, and in one class a student came who doesn't come very much these days. She has a good reason for not coming so it's not that bad.

After work Fumihiko came to get me and we went out for supper. Well, actually, he's already eaten, so I went out for supper and he just watched me. I had a chicken burger and tomato and cheese salad. It was nice.

Nothing much to talk about again, except I'm almost asleep from the jet lag again. So, I'd better go.


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