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June 5, 2003 - Thursday

June 5, 2003 - Thursday

Warm and sunny day. Quite nice.

A pretty good day at work. I had six lessons and was quite busy. Most everybody came too!

This morning I woke up before the alarm and went to use the toilet. By the time I came back upstairs Fumihiko was already awake and up, so it was a bit sad. I felt really groggy. I had taken a night time cold pill before bed and I don't think it was quite out of my system yet. When I got to the apartment I'm afraid I didn't do any walking or exercise, I went to sleep for almost two hours! I felt much better when I got up though.

After work I went out with Fumihiko for yakiniku. It was the first time I was disappointed with the place that we went. Usually the portions are quite large, but tonight they weren't. I wasn't that hungry luckily!

I'm still not feeling well. In fact, I'm feeling worse than I did yesterday. I can't believe that I always get sick at this time of year. It isn't fair!

Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe I'll have something interesting to report then, or not!

Night night.

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