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March 15, 2003 - Saturday

March 15, 2003 - Saturday

Nice day, quite warm actually. A little rain at night though.

Today was quite different for a change. Nice day!

In the morning we watched one of my students on TV. She was being interviewed about the Hina Dolls in her museum. I didn't understand a word of course, but it was nice to see her.

We went out for breakfast to Gusto. I had my usual Mixed Grill, but when the waitress brought it to me, it was missing the sausage! Fumihiko called back the waitress and she took my food away again! I got it back a few minutes later, with the sausage. The nice thing about Gusto is that it has a great selection of herbal teas at their drink bar. I had lavender tea and rose tea. Yum.

Work was fine today. I worked on my big paperwork project and taught 5 classes. One of my classes cancelled today and rescheduled for Wednesday. The manager worked on redecorating the lobby and so did the teachers when they had a spare moment.

My last class went quite well and it was a little sad because one student is transfering to another prefecture. Sigh. I'll miss her.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and drove me home. At home we got on our bikes and rode to the local yakitori restaurant! We'd never done that before. Last year we had talked about it, but didn't ever do it. Today we did. It was great! The food was really good. Fumihiko had a couple of beers and I ate a lot of meat on a stick! We also had some horse sashimi. It was the best that I've ever had. Ususally when I have it, it tastes too cold, but this was about perfect.

Then, we rode home again and watched Dead Again. I love that movie and I still would put it in my top 10 or so. Ken and Emma were such a good pair back then. Sigh. Now, poor Fumihiko is off to bed and I'm doing my computer stuff. I'll be going to bed soon I think! I'm quite tired too. Night night!

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