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March 16, 2003 - Sunday

March 16, 2003 - Sunday

Reasonably warm day.

Today was pretty good, at least in most ways. I slept in very late. I didn't go to bed until 4:30 am so I was really tired and didn't get up until noon. Sigh.

We went out for lunch to a French restaurant in Mikawa. It was very nice. We each had steak. I skipped dessert and bread and rice, but I had cabbage soup and sashimi to begin. Yum.

After lunch we drove to the mall to see if there was a movie on that we wanted to see. There was, but I started to feel a little unwell, and Fumihiko's back was bothering him, so we decided to skip it for today. We drove along the shore and at one point in Sakata we even saw one of my old co-workers and waved like crazy. She saw us, but she didn't recognise us! It was funny. Fumihiko wanted to check and see if anyone was fishing. No one was by the sea, but there were a few brave souls by the river. I'm anxious to try out my new fishing rod.

We went out for supper again after we checked out the hardware stores and bought kerosene for my apartment. This time we went to a yakiniku restaurant. The food was really good there, and we had a good time cooking our own dinner. We also ate some soup...huge bowls each of us! One bad thing that happened when we were talking about leaving was a kid threw up all over the floor. Poor thing! The waitresses cleared it up quite quickly.

We came home and decided to watch a video. We finally popped in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It was great! While I watched it I wrapped up a couple of things to take to the post office tomorrow to send to Canada. I hope I get there!

I'm still not feeling a hundred percent, maybe I'll be better tomorrow. At least, I hope so. And with that, I'm going to leave you. Night night!

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