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October 15, 2003 - Wednesday

Rainy and cool today.

An okay kind of day. I was supposed to do some exercise this morning, but I didn't. Sigh. What I did was to take a nap. It was nice, but my apartment was darn cold. I know that I need to start using my heater soon.

Work was fine today too. My classes went well. I reworked a lesson that I've had a lot of trouble with in the past and it worked quite well. I re-recorded the tape using my own voice and the students seemed to understand it well. Yay me!

After work Fumihiko came and got me and took me out to M's Dining for dinner. It was quite nice. For a change there was actually 2 kinds of soup that I could eat. Hurray.

When we came home though, the trouble began. I asked him to help me fill in a form but I got impatient with him and now he's not speaking to me. I shouldn't ask for his help if I don't really need it, should I? I tend to forget that although I read so quickly, not many other people do.

Anyway, hopefully everything will be fine in the morning.


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