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January 22, 2004 - Thursday

A winter wonderland! Snow, snow and more snow today.

Last night when we went to bed there wasn't any snow. This morning there was snow in abundance! I think we had at least 30 cm of snow overnight. And, it continued to snow all day too. It wasn't cold really, just windy and snowy. Walking and moving around the city was really quite difficult. I felt sorry for drivers too.

Today at work I was quite busy, but not too busy. Does that make sense? I had a cancellation, so I wasn't as busy as I thought I'd be. I did have 5 classes though so I wasn't just twiddling my thumbs all day. Sigh.

I finished up early and went out with Fumihiko to Cocos for dinner. We both had the same thing and it was quite nice. We also had drink bar so we drank a few cups of coffee or tea and relaxed for a while.

When we came home Fumihiko popped on a DVD that I bought a while ago, Safety Last, by Harold Lloyd. It's really funny, except for a bit of a nasty stereotype in one place, and the annoying background music that was put on the disc. It's not very good at all.

Anyway, that's all for today from me. Have a good one...and let's hope the snow melts fairly soon! Or, failing that, that we don't get any more snow!

From the snowy streets of Tsuroka, I bid you good night!

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