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What Can You Do If You Cannot Get To The Ride?


If you live in a state or area other than California (anywhere the Memory Ride 2002 route will not be going), you can do your part to help by spreading the word about the equine slaughter industry and getting involved -- we have flyers for everyone to spread in their own area to help get out the word!!

The MEMORY RIDE FOUNDATION will also be holding Memory Ride 2003 across the country from Southern California to the New Holland Sales Stables, Memory Ride 2004 across the country from Southern California to the Bel-Tex equine slaughterhouse plus State Memory Rides in the years 2005 and beyond, each year thereafter until laws are passed which forbid equine slaughter in every state in the country. In 2012 we will hold a Ten Year Anniversary Memory Ride from Sacramento, California to Washington, D.C. to mark this important event and it's significance in our nation's history.

We will be needing volunteers for Memory Ride 2003 and the following years -- please email us if you want to volunteer to be a state coordinator or just want to help out!


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