1978: |
Helen Blue editions: A Blue, B Blue etc...
| B red, C Burgandy, D Purple |
1980: |
1981: |
New Ears
1982: |
Preemie edition
1983: |
Red; Xmas edition: "Holly and Berry"
1984: |
Coral, Purple, Turquoise, Bronze; Sweetheart Edition: "Candy and Beau"; Xmas edition: "Chris and Carol"
1985: |
Gold, Rose, Ivory, Emerald; Xmas edition: "Sandy and Claude"
1986: |
Special edition: "Corporate Kid"; Xmas edition: "Hillary and Nigel" (Victorian set)
1987: |
Topaz; special edition: "Iddy Buds"; Sleeping Beauty set; Big Top Babycakes; Polynisian set; CCE/Nursary Baby: "Baby Otis"; Xmas Edition: "Misha and Natasha" (Nutcracker set)
1988: |
Aquamarine, Tiger's Eye; Nursery Babies "Tyler Bo", "Baby Dorothy", "Sybil Sadie"; Xmas edition: "Kelly and Kane" (Elves set)
1989: |
Amber (1st Toddlers), Lapis (Swimwear and Toddler Swimwear), Jade (firecracker Toddlers) , Ruby (Christmas Toddlers)
; Xmas edition: Joy (Angel); CCE: "Anna Ruby" (sprout); Convention Kid: "Ashley" (the 1st)
1990: |
Quartz (Toddlers), Opal (Easter chick Toddlers), Peridot (Toddlers), ; Southern Elegance; Nursary Baby: Amy Loretta, Xmas edition: "Krystina" (11" Ice Skater); CCE: Lee Ann;
Convention Kid: "Bradly" Camp Cabbage - Councelor "Charley"
1991: |
Crystal(Toddlers), Garnet , Copper (Toddlers), Onyx (Toddlers) ; Nursary Babies: "Bobby Jo" and "Billy Badd"; CCE: "Richard Russel" (sprout); Convention Kid: "Caroline"
1992: |
Brass(Toddlers), Silver (Asian Toddlers), Diamond (Toddlers), Platinum (Toddlers) ; Nursary Babies: "Rebecca Ruby" and "Gilda Roxanne"; Xmas edition: "Christy Claus"; CCE: "Baby Dodd"
1993: |
Unicoi; Little People Edition, Xmas edition: "Rudolph"; CCE" "Patti" (little one with gift)
1994: |
Mt Laurel; Little People Edition, Xmas edition: "Natalie" (silky curls); Convention Kid: "Norma Jean" Pals "Mysterious Barry" and "Justin"
1995: |
Mt. Yonah; CCE: "Rosie" (6" pocket baby); Convention Kid: "Delta" (Mardi Gras theme)
1996: |
Nacoochee Valley; CCE: "Gabriella" (country angel)
1997: |
Sautee Valley; CCE: Flower Kid in pot; Convention Kid: "Hannah"
1998: |
Chattahoochee; Mobile Patch Babies; 20th Ann. Spring Sass, Summer Mischief; Xmas edition: "Ginger"; CCE: "Dexter and puppy Patches"; Convention Kid: "Captian Ian" - Sidekick: "Marissa"
1999: |
Blue Creek; Preemies, Newborns, Special Memories: "1940's"; CCE: "Harley" (boy w/ teddy); Convention Kid: "Crystal" (tiny fairy)
2000: |
Kellum Valley; Preemies; Newborns; Fall Fest Babies; CCE: "Millie";
Pajamarama Event Kid: "Autumn"
2001: |
Duke's Creek; Preemies; Newborns; Spring Event Kid: "Matthew" - Sidekick "Madison"; Fall Fest Babies; CCE: "Jillie"
2002: |
Shoal Creek