The First Circle
The Affirmaiton of Acknowledgement
The Five Points of Wiccan Belief
How to Join the First Circle
Callisto's Entry Paper
CFFN Lesson One: What's Sacred, Moral, and True
Callisto's Response: Lesson One
CFFN Lesson Two: Karma
Callisto's Response: Lesson Two
CFFN Lesson Three: The Powers of the Universe and the Earth Visualization
Callisto's Response: Lesson Three
CFFN Lesson Four: The Water and Air Visualizations
Callisto's Response: Lesson Four
CFFN Lesson Five: The Fire Visualization
Callisto's Response: Lesson Five
CFFN Lesson Six: The Pentacle and the Lesser Elements
Callisto's Response: Lesson Six
CFFN Lesson Seven: Sacred Space
Callisto's Response: Lesson Seven
CFFN Lesson Eight: The Circle: A Primer
Callisto's Response: Lesson Eight
CFFN Lesson Nine: The Wiccan Gods
Callisto's Response: Lesson Nine
CFFN Lesson Ten: Identity
Callisto's Response: Lesson Ten
The Second Circle
The Oath of Practice
The Second Circle
My Second Circle page is password protected out of respect for my Coven's privacy, as CFFN's Second Lesson pages are not available to the public. If you desire access to this information, email me and I'll consider your request.
Second Circle Lessons
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Callisto's First Circle Entry Paper
A few weeks ago, in a small, upper-class community in northern California, a young man was severely beaten at his high school by several of his classmates. His attackers carved the word "fag" into his arm. This is the second time this young man has been attacked since forming a gay-straight alliance at his school last year. Unsurprisingly, the local media gave ample coverage to this horrific crime. The community was outraged . . . at the media. How *dare* they publicize something like this? It was making the community look bad! If this community had embraced even *one* of the Five Points of Wiccan Belief, then it is quite likely this horrid chain of events would never have happened.
It is fairly obvious how following the Wiccan Rede could have prevented this. If the community embraced an attitude of “harm none,” there would have been no beating (let alone two!), for beating someone is obviously harmful. There would have been no hate to inspire such a beating in the first place, for hate is by it’s very nature harmful both to those who hate and those who are hated. Finally, the community would be far more concerned with the young man’s mental and physical health than with its own reputation, for ignoring the hurts others experience is no less harmful than hurting them yourself.
It is similarly obvious how believing in the Law of Return could have prevented this. If the young man’s attackers believed in the Law of Return, they would not have beaten anyone, for fear of the pain they caused coming back to them. If the community as a whole believed in the Law of Return, they would not have turned such a cold shoulder to the young man and his family for fear that they would at some point be left similarly alone. In fact, they likely would have offered as much support as they could give, knowing that their kindness would come back to them eventually.
If this community held to the Ethic of Self-Responsibility, its members would know that they are responsible for creating an atmosphere in which something like this could happen. Instead, they have totally denied having any part in these events and berate the media for making it look as though they did!
The community’s lack in the area of the Ethic of Constant Improvement is probably linked to their denial of the Ethic of Self-Responsibility. It is, after all, quite difficult to improve upon oneself if you cannot even bring yourself to acknowledge your responsibility four your own actions. If this community held to the Ethic of Constant Improvement, there would have been no second beating, no denial of responsibility. The members of the community would have reacted immediately to the first such incident, banding together to make certain their community *never* repeated something so horrific and hate-filled. Instead, they ignored it, perfectly happy to let events run their own course, never believing they might have to work to bring about change in themselves and their community.
This community’s denial of the Ethic of Attunement is perhaps the most difficult to see, but it is nonetheless there. The members of this community are outright ignoring two aspects (if not all three) of the three-fold divinity. We know that they are not attuning to the divine within themselves because no one who held the Self as divine would *ever* let him/herself be filled with something as self-destructive as hate. Similarly, we know they are not attuning with the Universe as divine because the person whose harm they all contributed to was part of the Universe, and therefore divine.
It is clear that his community would benefit from some belief in the Five Point of Wiccan Belief, but it seems highly unlikely that will happen anytime soon.
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Callisto's Response Lessons One
March 1999
Something is sacred wehn it gets you in touch with your deeper self and with the divine. A sacred object represents some part of your deepest soul or some event that touched your deepest soul in a profound manner.
Things that are sacred to me:
- my pentagram ring
- Nana's ring
- my engagement ring
- books
- children
- music
- sex
- love
- my journal
Moral is a word I'm not very comfortable using, largely because people often use it to mean "why I am/we are better than everyone else." Having said that, what I actually believe "moral" to mean is "being able to tell the difference between right and wrong." Sort of like the opposite of the legal definition of insanity. Of course, what constitutes "right" or "wrong", and, indeed, even what these words mean, is probably different for every person. But that is a another story and shall be told at another time.
Things I think are wrong:
- Rape: Rape is the total domination of another person. It dehumanizes that person and makes it so that s/he cannot control what is happening to his or her own body.
- Forcing your beliefs on another person: A person's mind and beliefs are two things that are totally his or her own. It is not all right to force them to believe or to act as though they believe as you do.
- Dishonesty: Dishonesty inhibits communicaiton and also ia a type of betrayal.
- Torture: Like beliefs, a person's will is his/her own. Breaking someone's will = not good.
- Ecological destruction: The earth is our mother and we must respect her. We must all live on the earth, and destroying her is destroying our own home, which is just plain stupid.
- Stealing: Anything you steal would be representative of work that others have done. It is not right to take things others have worked for.
- Murder: A person's life is his or her own, to keep or to give up as sh/he chooses. It is not our place to make that decision for other people
- Refusing to accept responsibility for your actions: As adults, we are all responsible for the actions we take. You make a mess, you clean it up; it's as simple as that.
- Dehumanizing others in order to justify your actions and irrational hatreds: All jumans are equal and deserve to be reated with the same respect you would like to be treated with.
- Anything that hampers the healthy growth of children: I know it's been said probably a billion times, but children are the future of the human race. They deserve to be cared for an nurtured. Period.
Truth is synonymous with real or factual. Like morality, truth is entirely subjective.
Broader Thinking Question
I don't believe that any act is evil, in and of itself. Evil is entirely a function of intent, so actions are not evil, but the intent behind them can be. Evil is when a person does something with the full knowledge that they are harming others, and yet continue whatever they are doing. An action can be wrong, but not evil, if a person does not know that they are doing harm or believes they are doing ti for the greater good. This certainly does not excuse their actions, but I would not classify such actions as "evil."
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Callisto's Response Lesson Two
March 1999
Ways to Live Within the Five Points
- Never harm another living creature
- Respect all life
- Respect all systems of belief
- Accept full responsibility for your actions and decisiosn
- Make a conscious effeort to improve upon yourself and grow
- Make a conscious effort to improve the conditions of your commmunity
- Don't refuse any request for help unless it will cause more harm than good
- Don't give "help" without permission
- Make it a point to fight any injustice you come across
- Find time every day to attune with the gods
- Don't ignore harm done to others, because not stopping harm is akin to causing it
- Don't give in to feelings of hatred
- Consider the consequences of your actions
- Find a balance between your physical, mental and spiritual selves.
- Never turn down an opportunity to learn
- Be honest and sincere
Broader Thinking Question
My answer to this question is too personal to be posted publicly. If you would really like to see it, email me and I will consider your request, but know that if I don't know you, the answer will almost certainly be no.
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Callisto's Response Lesson Three
April 1999
The Earth Visualization
I taped all four vizualizations so that I wouldn't have to worry about memorization. Even so, the Earth Visualization didn't go quite the way it read.
The first couple of times I tried this visualization, I just couldn't get into it. I decided to try the visualization outside, lying on the grass. The first time I tried this, I was interrupted halfway through the visualization by a "helpful" aquaintance who wanted to make certain I was okay (is it really that strange to lie on the grass in the sun in the middle of spring?). The next day, I tried again, and this time managed without interruption. The feeling of grounding was pretty profound, but I couldn't manage to feel warm. I don't know whether it was the ambiant temperature or if I just associate Earth with cold.
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Callisto's Response Lesson Four
I am missing. Calli is looking for me, but probably won't find me 'cause I'm hiding. Aren't I a naughty little lesson?
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Callisto's Response Lesson Five
I am have also been misplaced. I expect I'm off hiding somewhere with Lesson Four. Calli has dim recollections of keeping a seperate journal for visualizations, but she doesn't know where it it. She's terribly disorganized like that.
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Callisto's Response Lesson Six
May 1999
The five spiritual elements are relevant to modern practice because they serve as symbolic representations of various spiritual aspects. For instance, when you call Air into your Circle, you aren't actually calling air. Clearly, there is already air inside the Circle; otherwise you would be dead. What you are calling is the essence of intellect and purpose and whatever it happens that Air means to you, personally. These elemental symbols help us to get in touch with Nature and to focus our energies.
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Callisto's Response Lesson Seven
May 1999
The main purpose of a Circle is to both physically and mentally designate space specifically for ritual or magickal purposes. Circles also help to contain the energies we raise until we are ready to release, and they keep out unwanted influences.
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Callisto's Response Lesson Eight
May 1999
Solitary Circle Casting
Place candles in each of the four cardinal directions. The altar holds the solar and lunar candle, the God and Goddess candles, unlit incense, a dish of salt, a chalice of water, and a bell, as well as any working materials and stuffs for Cakes and Ale.
Ring the bell three times and light the solar candle. Stand in the center of your circle saying:
“The fire of the sun shines,
In this circle as in the heavens.”
Take the solar candle to the East and light the yellow candle, feeling the power of Air rushing through you from the East. Hold the solar candle aloft and say:
“Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East,
Hail Sylphs and all ye creatures of Air,
I invite you and call upon you,
Asking for your love and intuition
In my circle tonight (today).”
Walk clockwise to the South. Light the red candle and feel the power of Fire flow through you from the South, then hold the solar candle aloft, saying:
“Hail Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South,
Hail Salamanders and all ye creatures of Fire,
I invite you and call upon you,
Asking for your love and passion
In my circle tonight (today).”
Walk around the edge of the circle to the West. Light the blue candle, feeling the power of Water flow through you from the West, then hold the solar candle aloft, saying:
“Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West,
Hail Ondines and all ye creatures of Water,
I invite you and call upon you,
Asking for your love and empathy
In my circle tonight (today).”
Walk around to the North. Light the green candle and feel the power of Earth flow through you from the North, then hold the solar candle aloft, saying:
“Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North,
Hail Gnomes and all ye creatures of Earth,
I invite you and call upon you,
Asking for your love and steadfastness
In my circle tonight (today).”
Stand in the center of the circle, holding the solar candle aloft and saying:
“Hail, Guardians of the Center,
Hail the Spirit within and without,
I invite and evoke you,
Asking for your love and wisdom
In my circle tonight (today).”
Walk to the altar. Raise the solar and lunar candles, saying:
“As the sun lights the moon,
so light,
that the heavens may shine.”*
Light the lunar candle from the flame of the solar candle. Set the two candles down in holders next to the two unlit candle representing the God and Goddess.
With the blade of your athame, scoop three heaps of salt into the water and, stirring clockwise, say:
“As man to woman, so blade to chalice,
I purify this water with love, light, and power.”~
Sprinkle the salted water around the perimeter of the circle, starting and ending in the East and stopping at each Quarter to say:
“With Earth and Water,
I purify the East/South/West/North.”
Return the chalice to the altar and light the incense, saying:
“With this smoke, I banish all negativity,
That which comes from without and from within.”
Wave the smoking incense around the perimeter of the circle, starting and ending in he East, and stopping at each Quarter to draw an invoking pentagram with the incense and say:
“With Fire and Air,
I purify the East/South/West/North.”
Return the incense to the altar. Pick up your athame, hold it aloft, and visualize a beam of blue light filling it. With this light, draw the circle jut beyond the Quarter candles, beginning and ending in the East. Once you have returned to the East, say:
“I stand in a perfect circle,
purified and protected.”
Travel around the circle once more, again stopping in the East and saying:
“Into this circle,
I welcome all things positive,
love, peace, and friendship,
all may flourish here.”
Travel around the circle a final time, stopping again in the East, then walking to the altar where you lay down your athame and say:
“Blessed be this circle,
Blessed be this time and place,
Blessed be this rite.”
Light the Goddess candle from the lunar one, saying:
“Great Lady of the Moon,
You who are Mother, Daughter,
Sister, Friend, and Lover,
Be with me now,
As I perform this sacred rite.”
Light the God candle from the solar one, saying:
“Great Lord of the Sun,
You who are Father, Son,
Brother, Friend, an Lover,
Be with me now,
As I perform this sacred rite.”
Take a moment to welcome spirits, patron gods, or whomever you wish, then say:
“The circle is cast.
We are between the worlds,
Beyond the bounds of time,
Where night and day,
Birth and death,
Joy and sorrow,
Meet as one.
So mote it be.”+
* This invocation was taken from a ritual of the Arising Coven of UEW.
~ This invocation was taken from chapter four of Kaatryn MacMorgan’s All One Wicca
+ This invocation was taken from chapter four of Starhawk’s The Spiral Dance.
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Callisto's Response Lesson Nine
Mwahahaha! I am also missing! We missing lessons are off conspiring to rule the world. You will never find us. Never!
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Callisto'S Response Lesson Ten
Conspiring with the others, I'm afraid.
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The Oath of Practice
I, Callisto, swear to live my life by the Five Points of Wiccan Belief, taking responsibility for my actions and educating of my religion when asked. I will not turn any in need of help away without good cause, nor will I allow slander and misuse of Wicca to go unchallenged, because someday I may have need of help or be slandered.
Within my practice, if I teach, I ask nothing in return, and expect nothing in return but the respect that I, as a teacher, deserve for the time and effort I put into each student.
I take some responsibility for those I teach, and if I find I have taught them incorrectly, it falls to me to undo the wrongs done.
I affirm that I practice Wicca, and all aspects of my practice, with a free Will, and I will never deny, or in any way restrict the Will of a student.
I am fully aware of the ramifications of this Oath and I sign/swear it before the eyes of The Lord and Lady in truth. So mote it be.
May 1999
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June 1999
Today I will petition the Second Circle. I have completed my First Circle lessons, and feel it is time for me to move on to the next stage in my training. I feel that I have absorbed th First Circle lessons, and that I am ready for new material. I also feel that I have gotten to know myself much batter.
To the Second Circle, I bring understanding, empathy, a shoulder to cry on, innovation, imporvisation, a desire for justice, and a love of life. Through being a part of the Second Circle, I hope to gain a better understanding of the Universe, a closer relationship with the Lord and Lady, and a fuller understanding of what it is to be Wiccan.
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The Second Circle
My Second Circle page is password protected out of respect for my Coven's privacy, as CFFN's Second Lesson pages are not available to the public. If you desire access to this information, email me and I'll consider your request.
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