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Exercise 5a (Page 1)
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1. Compound problems. Click here for Example.
Answers at the end.
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1. 40 reams of paper can print 520 copies of a book of 168 pages. How many reams of paper will be required for printing 780 copies of a book of 168 pages?

2. There are 12 pipe lines supplying water at 40kl per minute to the farm. It takes 12 hours to irrigate the entire farm. In what time the entire farm can be irrigated if 8 pipelines supply water at 30 kl per minute?

3. Pumps discharging water at 20kl per minute can irrigate 8 acres in 12 hours. If the flow is 40 kl per minute, in what time they can irrigate 4 acres?

4. A company paid 6 employees for 12 days a salary of total $50400. How much it will pay for 9 employees working for 10 days?

5. 25 trucks each with a capacity of 200 cu.ft. make 24 trips to remove the loads. How many trips will 30 trucks make for the same load, if each has a capacity of 290 cu.ft.?

6. 20 people cleaned 5 acres for 6 hours. What time 8 workers will take to clean 2 acres?


Answers: rounded Applications Exercise - 5a (Page 1)
1. 60 reams
Reams of paper and copies of book are in direct variation.

Reams of paper and number of pages are in direct variation
2. 24 hours
Number of pipelines and hours required are in inverse variation.

Flow of water and hours required are in inverse variation
3. 3 hours
Number of acres and hours required are in direct variation.

Flow of water and hours required are in inverse variation
4. $63000
5. 14 trips
6. 6 hours
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