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Heartbeats and Hellos
Friendship Strong and True

Have you ever seen such a great looking group of girls? I don't think so :) This was taken at the PMB concert, and has my closest friends in it. Me, Sky, Michele, Brianne, Anne

Most of my friends are ones that I have met in Davis. I can't imagine my life without any of you. Someone great (I'm sure) said "a person is defined by their friends" I can't think of a better group to be defined by (well, there could be a few additions). I will try to list my friends in order of meeting and getting to know them, please forgive me if your name isn't up here yet, since I am still working on this page

Megan - I have known Megs since the beginning of time, I think. Our dads have known eachother for a REALLY long time. They were in the Peace Corps in India at the same time, and then somehow many years later met up at a psychologists conference in San Diego, and discovered that they were both living in Fresno and had kids the same age (so it must have been when I was about 2 or so). Anyway, if I had a sister, it would be Megan :)

Emily - Pretty much the same thing goes with Em. I have known her since I can remember. In fact, she is the friend that got me swimming in the first place. She joined the swim team a month or so before me, I think, and then I joined because she liked it (I think there was probably some parental influence on this decision, since I was only 7-8).

Kelly - Kelly was one of my friends during high school, and we somehow got to talking again this year, and have rekindled our friendship to a certain degree :)

Lee - I got to know Lee the summer that we got our cabin, so the summer after I was in eighth grade, I guess. She's definately one of my close friends. She always listens to me when I need someone to talk to, which is great. Sometimes it's nice to talk to someone who doesn't know the people in my life as well as my friends here do. Our parents always love to talk about how much alike we are, which apparently they do quite often. Anyway, Lee is at Claremont McKenna and will be graduating next year. I will visit her sometime this summer down in Burbank :)

Anne - We met at Summer Advising, and she is the only one of our group of friends that I keep in touch with now. In fact, she is one of my roomies this year, and will be next year. She came to Davis under the deception that she would major in Biological Systems Engineering (same as me) but changed quickly too. She is an (unofficial) member of the Useless Socks, an IM football team composed of many of my friends. She also had Sean Hurley sign her arm.

Heather - Was my roomie last year, and we got along pretty well. We don't talk very much any more, but when we do, I realize that I miss talking to her. It's the whole ex-roomie relationship, I guess. Heather and Christy made a lot of friends very early on in the apartment complex that we all live in. Especially their neighbors below them . . . their neighbors got to know them a little better than they had expected.

Christy - Heather and Christy attended the same high school, and Christy lived in our dorm, Castilian North. I guess our two suites became good friends (pretty much we lived in eachothers suites :) In fact, for the first quarter, people would come into my suite, looking for Christy. She likes to remind herself that she is smarter than Britney Spears when the doom of O Chem midterms are upon her (there was a rumor that Britney Spears was going to attend Davis next year).

Michele - I got to know Michele because she lived in Christy's suite. I remember the first time I met her . . . we talked about how strange it was that her roomie didn't move in on the first day. She's going to move in with us next year. She's an avid Hapkido-er and loves the water and the sun. She's from San Diego, but spent some time in Japan while she was growing up. She's a NAVY brat.

Lynette - Later to become "LynetteandAlbert" (never apart). Lynette was Christy's roomie, and Albert was my nextdoor neighbor.

Brianne - Michele's roomie. Another great friend who is still close :)

Sky - We got to know each other kinda the first weekend, when a bunch of people went out to the MU to go bowling. It's funny now to look back on that, because it was before the groups of friends were established in our dorms, and it's just interesting to think about who I hung out with. Sky and I really became friends later in the year, and she's my other roomie (she and Anne share a room). She's also from San Diego, but didn't spend any substantial part of her younger years overseas. She's an avid fan of Ani DiFranco, Tori Amos, and Elliott Smith.

Shasta - Pigs Never Open Good Oranges Girls Can However :) It's all about Anthropology, right Shasta? We have got to take some more classes together! I miss you!

Dan - Michele's ex, who became a good friend of mine too :) he's the one who first sent me the VH songs! Which means that he is the one that created this monster! :)

KK - Don't go NPB on me! Don't you miss the days of Bio 1A? With your "boyfriend?" *evil laugh* :)

Andii - Hmm . . . we have the same guy complex. Gotta love it (or hate it, if you know the complex).

Brett - Ok, now you are on, I will write something about you later :) How about this? Good friend who I met online through VH, at U Penn . . . Wish you lived out here

Aww, look, Bri, Sky, and Anne are playing on the couch. Oh, wait, that's not Bri's arm :) Michele is underneath that whole dog-pile!