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Deep Dish of Random No-Nothings

Cold and drizzly night in chicago's deep dish fluorescent light of the bathroom shows my hands as they are see an eyelash on my cheek pick it off and make a wish and walk back out into the bar wind at the windows neon lights the patterned pane the waitress wields the weight of her tray around her palm the doorman cups his hands and lights his cigarette again and the rain marches on...
Ani DiFranco, Deep Dish

"I mean, the last thing I want to do in life, other than have my toenails pulled out one by one, is to look at any of those internet sites about me. On occasion I'll sort of sidle up to one of my friends who's internet-savvy and try to find out some information about something. But I generally don't use it at all. I plan on dropping out of society at any moment now, anyway."
-Ani quote from Wired (but I found it on the Imperfectly site)
My feeble attempt at creating a web page, suggestions are welcome. Thanks Mikayla for the inspiration to get this thing started. We'll see where it takes me...
Latest Update: July 10 (added a new page, Savory Concoctions, that's about it)
Sign my guestbook! (I am curious as to who is viewing my site, I mean 136 hits already, someone besides me is looking at it :)
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Favorite Ani Songs, in no particular order

Other pages of my site, and other random links

Sea Shells, My Bells
The People Who Are...(my friends)
My Gold
Lyrics Page
Savory Concoctions
Not a Pretty Ani Page
Tori Amos perfectly windy sky (great links!)
Elliott Smith site
Brianne's Page
Michele's Page
Mikayla's Page (also a plethora of info for Vertical Horizon, Pat McGee Band, and many other east coast bands)
Becky's Page
