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Nutrition for the New Millennium
International, Inc. 1- 877- 4SLIMRX™

The Ideal Business For You!

We live in a time of rapid economic change. Despite the daily news of corporate lay-offs, mergers, factory closings and downsizing, there is one segment of the economy where people are prospering. While most of America is downsizing, network marketing is up-sizing.

The Slim-Rx™ opportunity has been designed to allow you to reap the rewards and benefits of big business without having to put up with the complications that most traditional business owners face (starting capital, employees, etc.)

Here are some of the advantages of the Slim-Rx™ Health Care opportunity.

  • Low Startup investment. Slim-Rx™'s low, $37.50 fee includes a distributor kit with all the necessary training, support materials and samples you need to get started.

  • Uniquely Beneficial Product that 'Sell Themselves'. Simply sharing your personal testimony and Slim-Rx's educational information with others.

  • Flexible Hours. Choose your own schedule and work as many hours as you feel comfortable with - you're the boss!

  • Home-Based. Enjoy the convenience of working from home, no commute, no office rent or expensive overhead.

  • Marketing supported with an aggressive advertising campaign incorporating live radio testimonials, TV commercial, Internet, Sponsorship of NASCAR™ race cars and promotional boats and vans. Community involvement of 5K and 10K races as well as Nonprofit Slim-Rx™.

  • No territorial limits: you can build and operate your business anywhere in the world that Slim-Rx™ operates. California, Hawaii... New York, London, Amsterdam... wherever you want, the choice is yours! You can also participate as Slim-Rx™ continues to expand internationally around the world. (For International sponsoring, request an International Business Application.)

  • Slim-Rx™ International, Inc., will assist your down-line training and coaching, simply find potential distributors. This makes it easy for you to get others involved.

  • Residual income stream - you have the ability to earn monthly overrides on the efforts of everyone you bring into your organization, and everyone they bring in, and so forth.

  • No employee headaches or complicated paperwork. All members of your organization are Independent Distributors and everyone in your down-line orders directly from the company. Slim-Rx™ tracks your entire organization's transactions for you and sends you monthly management reports and commission statements.

  • Slim-Rx™ offers you the opportunity to give life, new life, to yourself and others. Choose to offer unique and extraordinary products to give good health; choose an exceptional opportunity to give prosperity; choose unparalleled corporate support to give knowledge; choose Slim-Rx™.

    Compensation Plan

Fill out an application online:

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First or Company Name

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Apt #




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