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Nutrition for the New Millennium
International, Inc. 1- 877- 4SLIMRX

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Press release:

Slim-Rx™ joins Core Motorsports in 2001 as Primary Sponsor
in NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series

Henry and Tina Bellini, owners of Slim-Rx™ are pleased to announce the formation of Slim-Rx™ Racing with a primary sponsorship of a NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series team. Slim-Rx™ is partnering with Core Motorsports, a California based truck team, the two have joined forces to compete in 2001.

Slim-Rx™ is a dietary supplement company located in San Diego, California. Slim-Rx™ manufactures and distributes products through mass retail outlets. Currently, Slim-Rx™ products are available on California, Arizona, Texas, (any other states???) and on the Internet at







"Many of our team members have used Slim-Rx™ products with great results now, we have the opportunity to show NASCAR fans how effective their products are," said Steve Lucore, President and Co-Owner of Core Motorsports. "We are planning for an exciting year, said Henry Bellini of Slim-Rx, we are always looking to promote Slim-Rx™ in ways that are innovative and exciting; we think we have found that fit with this sponsorship," said Henry Bellini of Slim-Rx™.

Bellini is not a new comer to the racing circuit, a former Formula One driver, Bellini knows first hand the intensity of the race fans, the commitment of sponsors and the importance of a great driver. "Racing is not easy, everyone must work as a team which is why we chose Core Motorsports, they posses the same values as we do."

Steve Lucore, President and Co-Owner of Core Motorsports has an extensive background in business and marketing. Before getting into NASCAR, Lucore owned a color separation business for 15 years. In December 1997, he sold his business to focus on building the Core Motorsports team. His 15 years experience in motivating people and managing a business with an excess of 60 employees demonstrates his ability to organize a winning crew. With the help of his professional staff, Core Motorsports is poised to field a competitive team in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series.


Core Motorsports is located in El Cajon, California a suburb of San Diego. Formed in 1997, Core Motorsports enjoyed its inaugural race in the NASCAR CraftsmanTruck Series in July 1997. The team participated in 10 races and in 1998 was invited by NASCAR to participate in an exclusive exhibition event with top Winston Cup champions and drivers in Japan that November. This event coincided with NASCAR's 50th Anniversary Celebration and was held at Twin Ring Motegi, a state of the art track located 80 miles from Tokyo.



Core Motorsports and Slim-Rx™ will be testing several drivers over the next few months and will make an announcement at the end of 2000. "We are excited about this new partnership, says Lucore, we are looking forward to our first race next season with Slim-Rx™."

"The NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series and Core Motorsports are a perfect fit for Slim-Rx™," says Henry Bellini of Slim-Rx™," We are thrilled to be part of a winning team for the 2001 season."


Slim-Rx announces the association with Nick Delgado, Ph. D

Slim-Rx is pleased to announce the association with Nick Delgado, Ph.D. Nick is the author of the book, Grow Young and Slim. He has recently been named a director of the European Academy of Anti Aging.

Click here to read his biography



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