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Nutrition for the New Millennium
International, Inc. 1- 877- 4SLIMRX™

Biography of Nick Delgado

Nicholas R. Delgado, Jr., Ph.D., Is the Director of Healthy Studios, Inc. After graduating from the University of Southern California (U.S.C.) with a BA degree in Psychology, began his postgraduate studies on Physical Therapy at U.S.C. Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, followed by volunteer work at Daniel Freeman Hospital and Chino hospital. Through his experiences in physical therapy, Nick Delgado became deeply concerned by the large numbers of people dying from such degenerative diseases as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

Nick was motivated to undertake in-depth postgraduate studies in nutrition at Cal State Los Angeles and Cal State Long Beach University. He also spent years studying medical journals at U.S.C. and U.C. Irvine in his search for solutions to degenerative diseases. In 1982, Loma Linda University offered a Masters leading to a Doctorate program in Health Science and Delgado was accepted as a Doctoral candidate. Loma Linda School of Public Health was founded by Christians who faulted the vegetarian type diet described in the Bible that is free of meat and dairy products. They were motivated to do research based on holistic nutrition and exercise. Most universities in the country only offered dietitian training based on the outdated four food group provided by the dairy and meat industry sponsored textbooks. In 1993, Nick was accepted to do independent research under academic guidance at the American Holistic College of Nutrition. Doctor Nick Delgado completed his Ph.D. thesis by doing a study on 693 people in a wellness program provided at seminars with Tony Robbins. Nick received his Ph.D. in Health Science.

He began to apply what he was learning to his medical problems of obesity and high blood pressure. After just five months, Nick reduced 50 lbs. of body fat, and lowered his blood pressure (from 200/90 to 110/70) and was able to get off blood pressure medications. Nick maintained optimum health for over 20 years and at the age of 42 he competed in an intense strength and endurance test in Kona, Hawaii and set a record at the time against all participants of any age.

Nick then developed his highly successful nutrition, exercise, motivation and stress management program (forerunner to today's Healthy Aging Plan). In 1979, Nick became the Director of the Pritikin Better Health Program studying with the famous research scientist, Nathan Pritikin. Nathan Pritikin taught Nick Delgado to sift through the misinformation and take complex medical journals and make it easy for everyone to understand them. Nick teamed up with health experts and looked for consistent themes of aging and diseases and came up with new answers to these age-old problems. Nick studied with Nathan Pritikin at the Longevity Center for three years, during this period he met and studied with many world-renowned scientists, including Dennis Burkitt, MD, Ernest Wynder, MD, Arnold Fox, MD and Cleaves Bennett, MD.

Later that year, Nick became involved with creating a wellness program centered in hospitals and with medical groups. In December, 1982, Nick began education and medical services in Southern California. Nick Delgado puts on dynamic seminars and refers to counseling services with anti-aging doctors and highly trained professionals. The Healthy Aging plan has enabled thousands of participants to feel better and become renewed. In all, Nick has presented over 20 years: 3,500 seminars at medical clinics, hospitals, community centers and large corporation including Aerospace and TRW. In 1992 to 1997 he set up and provided wellness testing using live blood cell hematology, oxidative stress analysis, carotid artery scans,blood lipids, biochemical hormones and seminars for over 10,000 participants with Tony Robbins Mastery University.

Nick is now considered one of the leading wellness advocates in the nation. In 1999, Nick began a national education program on talk radio CBS's KLSX 9.

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