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Well hello and welcome to my 'lil' website! So nice of you to drop by. As you can see,
I've been having a lot of fun in creating my own personalized web graphics. I only hope that
you get half as much enjoyment from viewing them as I did in making them. If you wish
to use any of them, I'd appreciate it if you would create a link back to my site here
using one of the logos I've provided and give me credit for my work. And don't
forget to let me know about it so I can check out your gorgeous site. ;)

As you can see from my picture down below, I'm very happy to be the mother of a
beautiful little girl who's definitely my pride and joy. She certainly does her best to keep me
constantly busy though! Just now, she's about 10 1/2 months old and forever pulling herself up on
all the furniture. (Like I said, keeping me very busy.) Taking full-time care of her doesn't
leave me much time for fooling around with web stuff, but I do try to sneak it in during
my few spare moments. Gee, and before I know it she'll be walking and talking and ...
Oh boy! Ah, but I just love it all. ;)

Ack! Apparantly, I will be... adding... more... later... LOL!

NOTE: I may not have any sets but most graphics on this site are originals by me.
If you would like to use any of them please drop me a line and create
a link back to my site to give me credit for my work. Thanks!

Link back to:

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