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City Parks Committee Recommends to City Council Preservation of Mandella Garden

On Thursday June 1, 2000 the Citizens Advisory Committee for Parks and Recreation of the City of Sacramento voted 5-2 with 2 abstentions to recomend  the Sacramento City Council that they pursue all options to preserve the Ron Mandella Community Gardens. The agenda item was sponsored by CAC member David Shorey who represents the area where the Mandella Community Garden exists.

"This is a very positive step." stated Shorey. "This sends a message that the property should be preserved.

The meeting attracted a large crowd, with many audience members giving testimony in support of the preservation of the garden. There was opposition to the proposal however, with CAC chair Karolyn Simon expressing her belief that the gardners of the Mandella Community Garden made a promise 30 years ago to move if CADA ever wanted to build on the land.

"30 years ago and today are completely different times. 30 years ago there probably was a feeling that there would be no problem finding another piece of land to move to. That currently is not the case." Shorey responded after the meeting. "In addition,with the great park space deficit that currently exists Sacramento should be making every effort to preserve any and all parks space that exists in either public or private hands."

Next action: Protest at the CADA office

The next action taken on the property will be on June 16th at 8:00 a.m. when CADA holds a meeting to vote on the final language of the Request for Proposal document which asks developers to submit proposals on what they would do with the property. It is expected that CADA will specifically request that the proposals be focused on housing.

The Mandella gardeners are currently organizing a protest to take place in front of the CADA offices where the meeting is going to take place. The gardeners are asking all those in support of the gardens to assemble at the Mandella Garden at 7:00a.m.on the 16th The group will then march to the CADA headquarters a block away from the Garden. For more information on the protest, contact Lian Bruckstein at 916-804-7149.

What you can do to save Mandella Gardens

Supporters of the Garden should write  letters to Governor Gray Davis, Assemblymember Darrel Steinberg and Senator Deborah Ortiz asking them to work to preserve the Ron Mandella Community Garden. They can be reached at State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Also a letter to the Sacrmento City Council supporting the request of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Parks and Recreation to pursue all options to preserve the Ron Mandella Community Garden. 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.

You should also contact CADA and voice your support of the community garden.1522 14th Street | Sacramento, CA 95814-5958 | 916.322.2114

May 5, 2000 | David Shorey


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