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Sacramento Free Press
Online Media Center

A digital outpost of news, resources and entertainment for radical thinkers  and activists. Local and International in scope. Coverage of the provinical issues of the Sacramento region -- urban sprawl, gentrification, Yuppie abatement,  slimy developers and their pocketed politicians -- and a robust look at news and resources  relevant to building, maintaining, and expanding a radical  worldwide movement  that improves the lot of the have-nots  while poking a stick in the eye of those who polute, abuse, and exploit (You know who you are).


D2KLA: On the Streets of LA

Sacramento Free Press was in Los Angeles to cover the protests surrounding the Democratic Convention.

COMING SOON: Photos, Interviews, and first-hand Reports.

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Enabling Sprawl 
[6.5.00] Madeline Moss reports on Caltrans  "let's widen Interstate 50" meeting. 
Green Party LogoThe Sacramento Greens Newsletter  | A comprehensive review of important Green Party and  Nader- related events in Sacramento.
CURRENT ISSUE 1:6 | 1:5 | 1:4 | 1:3 | 1:2 | 1:1

Ralph Nader
Vote Nader 2000

Constant updates on Nader's campaign for President of the United States as a Green Party Candidate.

Police State Targets the Left
Forget about the Militias. The feds are now targeting the Anarchists.
By Jim Redden 

Smearing the WTO Protests
What does the Southern Poverty Law Center have against the protestors in Seattle?
By Rick Giombetti

Anarchists and May Day
May 1 is a holiday for workers all over the world -- except America.
By Black Bloc Anarchists

Coverage of the Massive Rally and Non-Violent Protest at the IMF & World Bank in Washington DC

April 16-17

Frank Kofsky | Harry Truman and the War Scare of 1948: a successful campaign to deceive the nationThe top 10 corporate criminals of 1999
CounterPunch's Top 100 (and a few more) Non-fiction Works of the 20th Century.

[9.6.00] A nationwide effort to find Ralph Nader a date ...

Good news/Bad News in the fight to Save Ron Mandella Garden
By Richard Hansen
First, the Bad news: The CADA Board approved a resolution that will open the door for development of land occupied by the Ron Mandella Community Garden. The Good news: There's still plenty of time to fight back. FULL STORY

City Parks Committee Recommends to City Council Preservation of Mandella Garden
By Dave Shorey
On Thursday June 1 the Citizens Advisory Committee for Parks and Recreation of the City of Sacramento voted 5-2 with 2 abstentions to recomend  the Sacramento City Council that they pursue all options to preserve the Ron Mandella Community Gardens. PROTEST PLANNED ...

Nader Candidacy Could Prove Nettlesome For Gore
Ralph Nader's Green Party presidential bid is attracting enough liberal support in key states to make life difficult for Al Gore this fall....  Right now Nader is running at 4 to 10 percent in the polls in California -- potentially just enough to tip a state that Vice President Gore, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, must win into the GOP column. FULL STORY

Micro Radio 'War Council' Adopts 5 Point Program 
By Richard Edmondson
San Francisco Liberation Radio
May 29, 2000 | Meeting in Berkeley on Saturday, May 27, micro broadcasters from all over the west coast (with some from as far away as Austin, Texas) adopted a 5 point plan of attack against the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). FULL STORY

Julia "Butterfly" HillJulia Butterfly Hill sat in a northern California redwood she called Luna for over two years to protect it. She endured hazing, harsh winters, and violent storms. Last December, Julia Butterfly touched the ground victorious and a celebrity. Now she has a new book, and tours the country talking about her activism, On this program, hear her story. 
Source: High Country News

Noam ChomskyNoam Chomsky audio available onlineThe New Statesman calls him "The conscience of the American people." These MP3 recordings are taken from two lectures, "Class War: The Attack On Working People" and "Propaganda and Control of the Public Mind," both released by AK Press Audio

LOCAL LINKS: Sacramento County Alliance of Neighborhoods (SCAN)  |  Save the Ron Mandella Gardens Campaign |  Environmental Council of Sacramento | WHAT'S A LUDDITE? | ANARCHIST BIBLIOGRAPHY | ANARCHY ARCHIVES | THE DAILY BLEED: THIS DAY IN RADICAL HISTORY | GRASSROOTS.COM