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The California chainsaw massacre

Clear-cutting is tearing up forests in the nation's most environmentally aware state, and opponents blame the timber industry's ties to Gov. Gray Davis. FULL STORY
June 9, 2000 |


Dan Walters: GOP sees Green in California

This is a political quiz: California's Republican leaders are rooting for which presidential candidate?

If your answer is Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the all-but-nominated GOP contender, you're only partially correct.

When Republican leaders say their bedtime prayers these days, they ask for heavenly assistance to consumer activist Ralph Nader, the Green Party candidate.

Nader was the Green candidate four years ago, but made only a token effort. He's running again and is indicating that he'll mount a real campaign to offset what he depicts as the corporate orientation of the Democratic Party during the Clinton-Gore administration.

"Both parties are subordinating their obligations to represent the American people to global corporations who have no allegiance to our country and no allegiance to community," Nader said in one typical stump speech, singling out Vice President Al Gore for scorn as someone who "speaks with chattering teeth and forked tongue. He is a coward from top to bottom.". FULL STORY
June 8, 2000 | Dan Walters | Sacramento Bee


Ralph "The Body" Nader?

Jesse Ventura's ad man talks about how he would sell his next prospective client -- the Green Party presidential candidate. FULL STORY
June 7, 2000 |


Nike Posts Labor Data on Web 

Nike Inc. launched a major offensive on Thursday against critics who charge it with poor labor practices by posting details on its website from the inspections of some of its 700 factories worldwide. 

While the Beaverton, Ore.-based athletic shoe and apparel giant may not please protesters who have called Nike's audits biased and inaccurate, ``Transparency 101'' as it is called, will probably shed light on the plight of factory workers. It also may spur feedback that improves Nike's monitoring efforts, Nike spokesman Cheryl McCants said. FULL STORY
June 1, 2000 | Reuters


Out of her tree

Julia Butterfly Hill sat in a giant redwood for two years, then kicked the big boys' butts. Now her book's a bestseller and she's talking about a movie deal. FULL STORY
June 1, 2000 |


AOL Bans Green and Reform Parties?

America Online provides "youth filters" that are supposed to keep kids out of dangerous Web sites--but they seem designed to eliminate creeping liberalism.  For example, if you've setup AOL to restrict your children to "Kids Only"
Web sites:

* Your children can easily view the site of the Republican National Committee, but the Democratic National Committee is blocked.

* Children can call up the conservative Constitution Party and Libertarian Party, both of which are promoting their own US presidential candidates.  But if they attempt to view Ralph Nader's Green Party or Ross Perot's Reform Party, they see only a "not appropriate for children" error.

AOL's "Young Teens" filter, designed for older children, allows a few more Web sites to be viewed.  The apparent political bias, however, remains the same:

* Sites promoting gun use are available, including Colt, Browning, and the National Rifle Association. But prominent gun safety organizations are blocked, including the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Safer Guns Now and the Million Mom March.

 . . . AOL's latest software, version 5.0, was tested by viewing more than 100 political sites over a period of several days. AOL's filters for children consistently allowed the viewing of far more conservative sites than Democratic and liberal sites. The selection remained consistent throughout the testing period. FULL STORY
May 31, 2000 | CNET


NADER: Yes vote on trade is horrible for U.S., China, and the world

Ralph Nader | The China lobby is on the march -- and posing serious problems to citizens in the United States and China alike. 

Big business is pulling out all the stops to encourage Congress to grant China Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR, formerly known as Permanent Most Favored Nation) status. 

The many corporations that have endorsed PNTR are primarily interested not in making goods in the United States for export but in investing in China, where they can sell services to the Chinese and make goods for the Chinese and U.S. markets. FULL STORY
May 23, 2000 | San Francisco Bay Guardian


Audie Bock Staff Resigns en Masse

Noel Brinkerhoff | What is it with Bay Area lawmakers and staff problems? First, it was Assm. Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) who got tagged for scaring off staff, then Assm. Kevin Shelley (D-San Francisco). And now, the problem has jumped the Bay and earned Assm. Audie Bock (I-Piedmont) a heap of bad publicity. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, five of Bock's staffers quit last Monday, citing unacceptable working conditions caused by two of Bock's top aides. Capitol aide Bob Podesta was described by one source as having a Bobby Knight-like temper, and is apparently a big fan of stapler chucking. Bock herself wasn't singled out for any bad behavior, but that doesn't make the news any less troubling for the former Green. Last year, following her announcement that she was dropping her Green Party affiliation and going independent, Bock lost part of her staff in protest of the decision. Meanwhile, Bock continues to struggle to raise money for her re-election fight against a tough Democratic challenger, Wilma Chan. 
May 19, 2000 | State Net Capitol Journal


A Soggy Report From Davis
Greens recruit hard at the Whole Earth Festival

Ken Adams | The Greens were one of the few non-profits/political groups to set up on that rainy Sunday and the only one to last until closing. We were still signing up people and discussing issues right to the end. I don't have the final numbers but I'm pretty sure we signed up over 200 new Greens over the weekend.
May 17, 2000


Nader slams corporate subsidies 

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader vowed Tuesday to wage an active campaign for president as he slammed elected officials in both parties for subsidizing corporations.

During a series of campaign stops, the Green Party candidate called for a grass-roots movement to enact such reforms as universal health care, public financing of campaigns and stronger labor laws. FULL STORY
May 17, 2000 | Associated Press (AP)


Seymour Hersh Investigates 
US War Crimes in IRAQ
Current US "Drug Czar" Implicated

When HarperCollins agreed to pay Seymour Hersh $750,000 last year, it was for a book about Clinton's foreign policy. But then, as reported in the Washington Post last month, Hersh
began investigating another, more explosive topic in American foreign policy: the alleged war crimes committed by the 24th Infantry Division in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. His
25,000-word story on the allegations of atrocities appears this week in the New Yorker. FULL STORY
May 15, 2000 | | Washington Post


Justice Department May Sue Lapd

The Justice Department is prepared to slap the scandal-ridden Los Angeles Police Department with a civil rights lawsuit but will hold off in hopes of reaching a settlement. [...] The Justice Department has been monitoring the LAPD since 1996 to determine whether it shows a pattern of abusive behavior. [...]  So far about 30 police officers have been relieved of duty because of the scandal and 73 felony convictions have been overturned. Authorities are investigating hundreds more criminal cases to determine if they, too, were tainted by dishonest cops.. FULL STORY
May 9, 2000 |


Rolling back three strikes

The Justice Department is prepared to slap the scandal-ridden Los. FULL STORY
May 9, 2000 |


Convention in the cross hairs
After Seattle: Protestors prepare for  action at the Democartic convention in LA later this year

Sometime in July, at a Southern California location not yet decided, nearly 200 professional demonstrators and amateur anarchists are expected to attend a summer camp to prepare for a political assault on the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. MORE
May 7, 2000 | SF Examiner


A Corporation is not a person
City Of Point Arena Resolution On The 14th Amendment & Corporations

THE CITY OF POINT ARENA, CA CITY COUNCIL has, by a vote of 4 to 1, approved a resolution that says in part: "The City of Point Arena agrees with Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black in his 1938 opinion in which he stated, "I do not believe the word 'person' in the 14th Amendment includes corporations." MORE
May 8, 2000 | vis Ken Adams


Panel votes to lift Cuba sanctions

Farm groups that want to sell food to Cuba have initiated a new battle in Congress over weakening the four-decades-old U.S. economic embargo on the island nation.

A House Appropriations Committee subcommittee approved legislation Thursday that would permit exports of food and medicine to Cuba so long as they are not subsidized by the federal government. MORE
May 5, 2000 |


Sacramento Civil Rights Attorney 
Profiled in April issue of The Progressive
Won a $755,000 settlement against the Sheriff's Dept.

Scott Soriano | Those of you interested in prison issues and local law enforcement might want to pick up a copy of April's The Progressive magazine. Anne-Marie Cusac's article, "The Devil's Chair" profiles local civil rights attorney Stewart Katz's landmark court case against the Sacramento Sheriff Department. Stewart proved that the county cops were using the prostraint chair as a torture device. The judgement led to the largest settlement ever against the Sheriffs, a whoppin' $755,000.

Soon after the settlement, I was at a King's game with Stewart when we ran into former-Sheriff Glenn Craig.

"Evening, Sheriff," said Stewart, shit-eating grin across his face.

"Hello, Stewart," Craig answered, adding with a chuckle, "So did you pay for those tickets or did we?"
May 2000 | Sacramento Comment


Nader Discusses UAW Endorsement

Justin Hyde | DETROIT (AP) -- Consumer advocate and Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader (news - web sites) discussed an endorsement Monday with leaders of the United Auto Workers union.

Nader said he didn't directly ask for the union's backing, and added that it will not endorse a candidate until after a congressional vote expected this month on providing permanent normal trade relations with China - which Nader, the UAW and other major labor unions oppose.

Instead of asking for endorsements, Nader said: ``I just tell people what we're doing.'' MORE
May 1, 2000 | Yahoo News | AP


Ralph Nader Polls Well in Ohio
Net favorability rating beats shrub and Gore

The Ohio Poll finds that Ralph Nader received the highest net favorability ratings in the state among presidential candidates.  Nader's net favorability was 24 percent, higher than Bush at 22 percent, Gore at minus 3 percent and Buchanan at minus 36 percent. Net favorability was calculated by subtracting the unfavorability rating from the favorability rating received for each candidate. According to the Ohio Poll, Ralph Nader is also the only candidate tested who received a positive net favorability rating among Democrats (40 percent), Independents (20 percent) and Republicans (10 percent). See the Ohio Poll
May 1, 2000 | Just Politics 


The Strike Against Pacifica News

The strike against Pacifica Network News was initially set for a three-month period, to end April 30. Strikers have now voted overwhelmingly to continue striking until a negotiated settlement is reached. Not a single striker voted to end the strike. 
More Info:
May 1, 2000 | Just Politics 


Green Party Convention, Berkeley
A Mainstream take on the proceedings | Cites
growth in the party and adoption of its key values by others.

A positive spin on the Green party in the mainstream press? You be the judge: read Dan Reed's story from the San Jose Mercury News. The convention agenda is available at
May 1, 2000 | San Jose Mercury News


L.A. Janitors OK 
Contract in Landmark Vote

By NANCY CLEELAND| Janitors overwhelmingly approved a new contract Monday, ending an imaginative and colorful three-week strike that is likely to be remembered as a watershed moment for Los Angeles labor. MORE
April 25, 2000 | Los Angeles Times


CA's "Open Primary" 
before U.S. Supreme Court
Update from the California Voter Foundation

California's "open primary" law (technically a blanket primary) is being challenged before the U.S. Supreme Court.  Yesterday the justices heard arguments put forth by representatives of the state, who defended the law (which was enacted by voters as Prop. 198 in 1996), and attorneys arguing against the law, representing several major and minor political parties. MORE
April 24, 2000 | CA Voter Foundation


Abbie Hoffman Film in Production
Tom Hayden to be played by his son

Tom Hayden and Rennie Davis | Chicago 1968Goosed by protests aimed at the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund, that old band of `60s lefties have been given a reason to get up in the morning. So it's no surprise that Hollywood is taking a second look at the original source material. One such undertaking, scheduled for release this summer, carries with it a unique twist. "Steal This Movie!" is based on a biography of the late activist Abbie Hoffman and features as one of its characters Tom Hayden, Hoffman's Chicago Seven cohort turned termed-out senator. Nothing unique about that, you say? True enough. But the actor who will portray Hayden -- Troy Garity -- has an especially keen insight into the role. Hayden, you see, is Garity's father. That's right. The son of Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda will kill two birds with one stone, using his mom's profession as a vehicle to cinematically fill the old man's shoes.

Hayden was reportedly on hand to watch his son work during the re-enactment of the 1968 Chicago riots and gave a little pep talk to the cast and crew. The film itself is an indie job, featuring Vincent D'Onofrio (the bug-alien bad guy in "Men in Black") as Hoffman and comedian Janeane Garofalo as his wife. Should be an interesting turn, though it'll be interesting to see how they arrange the seating chart at the premiere, given the, um, different roads taken by mom and dad after their split.
April 24, 2000 | State Net Capitol Journal

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