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San Luis Obispo Senior High School

Class of 1975

25-Year Reunion - August 5-6, 2000

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Reunion Reservation Form

Please let us know if you're coming by 14 July 2000 so we can order the right number of brunches. You can fill in this form on the computer, but you'll need to print it and return it with your check payable to SLOSH Class of '75 Reunion to:

P.O. Box 4017
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

You can also pay by MasterCard or Visa. Mail the information on this form to the address above or fax it to 805-546-0570. For security reasons, do not send your credit card information by e-mail!

I will attend: High school visit
  Grads-only get together
  Brunch ( persons @ $25.00 per person)
  None of the above
  Memory Book ($10.00)
Credit Card Payment Information
Card #:
Signature: __________________________________________________